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Derrychrin Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown
'All God's Children' Family Mass [5th January 2025]
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SUSTRANS Active School Travel Programme.

30th Sep 2022

We are delighted to inform you that Derrychrin PS has been selected to join the SUSTRANS Active School Travel Programme. Sustrans has been delivering the Active School Travel Programme since 2013, with funding from the Department for Infrastructure and the Public Health Agency.

This week we had a special visit from Steven Ward, Active Travel Officer from SUSTRANS. Steven met with Mrs Hassan our ECO-Schools co-ordinator to discuss our plans for the year ahead.

At the beginning of September the KS2 pupils completed a baseline survey data to help measure our impact over time. We were also delighted to hear that every child will be provided with with a free high-visibility vest and school bag reflector this term. 

In the next few weeks, Steven will deliver a short assembly on what SUSTRANS are and what the plans for the year ahead.

Ditch the Dark Day will take on Wednesday 12th October which will involve the ‘walk/scoot/cycle to school day’

At the end of November a limited number of KS2 pupils will get the opportunity to complete National Standard on-road cycle training This valuable training gives children the skills and confidence for cycling on traffic-free paths and on quiet roads. 

It was fantastic to meet Steven and everyone is looking forward to many exciting things for the year ahead.