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Derrychrin Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown
'All God's Children' Family Mass [5th January 2025]
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Singing Santa Bringing Christmas Fun to Derrychrin!

21st Dec 2022

Singing Santa Bringing Christmas Fun to Derrychrin!

A super morning entertainment with Singing Santa visiting the pupils of Derrychrin for a morning of singing, dancing and enjoying the Christmas spirit. A really enjoyable morning for everyone with peoples and staff joining in to sing along with Santa.

Singing Santa and Mrs McGuckin ‘Friends of Derrychrin’ PTA committee member also drew the winning tickets for the pupil raffle and Split the Pot for December which was won by Cara-Rose Mullan. The winners of the pupil raffle are included in the attached poster. Well done to everyone. 

Singing Santa also delivered selection boxes to the classrooms for all the pupils as a special treat for the children.