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Derrychrin Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown
'All God's Children' Family Mass [5th January 2025]
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Safer Internet Week 2023

11th Feb 2023

On Tuesday, 7 February 2023, we celebrated Safer Internet Day (SID) – the annual flagship campaign to raise awareness of the importance of staying safe online. With a theme of "Together for a better internet", all stakeholders are encouraged to join together to make the internet a safer and better place for all, and especially for children and young people. With a global, community-led approach, Safer Internet Day encourages everyone to come together and play their part. There are many ways to help keep our children safe and make it a better internet.

Thank you to Mrs Kelly and our digital leaders who delivered a whole school assembly highlighting key information on staying safe and how we can always use the internet in a positive way. As a school we will continue to share key messages to avoid online dangers and remind our children of the importance of staying safe online. At Derrychrin, we are always proactive in ensuring the whole school community work together to stay safe online. Our school website a safeguarding sections with advice on E-Safety, Social Media and Safer Schools NI.
REIM training solutions have already provided workshops for our P4-P7 children and BEAM Creative provided an additional workshop for the P7 children. REIM will also be providing an online ZOOM parents workshop on Thursday 23rd February at 7pm. It is vital we all keep updated on the many online changes that occur and especially follow this years theme “Together for a better internet”.