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Derrychrin Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown
'All God's Children' Family Mass [5th January 2025]
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Remembering Mary in the month of May πŸ™πŸ“Ώ

26th May 2023

Today, we concluded our daily rosary / weekly assembly in honour of our Mother Mary. Throughout the month of May, we have been extremely lucky to have had some wonderful members of our Parish and School community, to join with us and enrich our faith and understanding of the love and work of Mary. 

To begin the month, Mr McElroy and Miss Hughes gave us some background information about The Rosary and how important Mary felt it was to the Catholic faith. We learnt how to say The Rosary, about all the different Mysteries and Decades there are for different purposes and of how it is prayed all over the world, for lots of different causes.

As our Primary 4 pupils prepared for their First Holy Communion on Saturday 13th May, Ms Philomena McGuckin joined our weekly assembly to tell us all about the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, also celebrated on this date. Philomena showed us her special Statue of Our Lady of Fatima as well as a series of other emblems, telling of their significance to the life, teachings and apparitions of Mary. 

Mrs Geraldine Mullan came to pray with us on Week 3. We offered up our decade of the rosary for our "School Family." This was particularly apt as, as well as being the Co-Ordinator of the delivery of the "All God's Children" Programme in our Parish and Chairperson of Derrychrin PS Board of Governors, Geraldine is a Grandparent in our school. We are so very privileged to have such a wide-ranging, active and dedicated School Family in Derrychrin. 

Finally, today Fr Donnelly joined us to conclude our dedication to Mary for the Month of May. Fr Donnelly encouraged us to "imagine the scenes at the finding of the child Jesus at the Temple."  In approach to this Bank Holiday weekend, we prayed that we would remain safe and well and enjoy a lovely relaxing break with friends and family.

The adoration and honour of our Blessed Mother is very important to us in Derrychrin Primary School. We are very privileged and thankful to our visitors for taking the time to be with us and pray that Mary covers them with her "veil of protection" now and always.

Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for Us!