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Derrychrin Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown
'All God's Children' Family Mass [5th January 2025]
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Odd Socks Day & Kindness Week 2022

18th Nov 2022

Odd Socks Day & Kindness Week 2022

Odd Socks day

Odd Socks day took place today in Derrychrin PS to help raise awareness of Kindness Week and Anti-bullying week. This brought an end to a very important week which also included Mr McElroy presenting a whole school assembly focusing on the theme ‘Reach Out’ and reminded the children about our ‘School Safeguarding Team’ and ‘Our School Safety Net’.

Odd Socks Day was a great opportunity to encourage all the children to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!

In 2021 over 5 million children, 1,000s of parents, 100s of workplaces and lots of celebrities and influencers were involved highlighting the important issue of bullying in such a fun way.