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Derrychrin Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown
Staff Development Day [30th September 2024]
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NO Christmas Gifts for Staff

6th Dec 2022

NO Christmas Gifts for Staff

Dear Parents/Guardians,

At this time of year, children and families feel pressure to buy staff a Christmas gift. This is an unnecessary expense for families especially in the current financial situation and the cost-of-living crisis.

We would like to take the opportunity to say while we are always extremely grateful for the parents’ kind generosity, to reduce any unnecessary stress for parents, we would ask not to buy gifts for the staff.

Our staff are more than happy to receive the words ‘Thank You’ as an acknowledgement. As a staff, we feel that it is a privilege and a pleasure to get the opportunity to teach and support the children of Derrychrin.

Kind Regards

Ciaran McElroy
