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Derrychrin Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown
Staff Development Day [30th September 2024]
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End of Mission Rosary Month

21st Oct 2022

Today we celebrated our final assembly of Mission Month and our celebration of the Children’s Mission Rosary.

Assembly today was brilliantly led by the children in Primary 3. The pupils prayed for people, particularly children, all across the 5 Continents of the world - Africa (green), America (red), Europe (white), Oceania (blue) and Asia (yellow).

The pupils also reminded us that Prayer or The Rosary is not just something that we say or do in October or on a Friday morning but a very powerful habit that we carry with us every day and a Prayer that can have a great impact on our life or the lives of others like Dania. 

Congratulations to everyone in Derrychrin for their participation in the Children’s Mission Rosary. You have done everyone in our School Community proud, particularly yourselves, and we know you will live out the missio in all that you do, say or think in the future.