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Derrychrin Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown
'All God's Children' Family Mass [5th January 2025]
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Diocesan Advisor visit to Derrychrin

2nd Mar 2023

On Tuesday we welcomed Mr. John Campbell, RE Diocesan Advisor to Derrychrin PS. John visited our Primary 2 and Primary 5 classes in the morning then the Primary 7 children and the school choir the afternoon. 

It was a wonderful opportunity to show the life and ethos within Derrychrin PS community. John praised and thanked everyone for the warm welcome he received and was very complementary of the hard work and dedication of all the staff. He witnessed the happiness and kindness among all the children and thank the school for creating this wonderful nurturing enviroment.

Thank you for visiting John and we look forward to welcoming you again next year.