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Derrychrin Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown
Staff Development Day [30th September 2024]
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πŸ™ πŸ•Š Congratulations to our Confirmandi 2022 πŸ•Š πŸ™

30th Apr 2022

πŸ™ πŸ•Š Congratulations to our Confirmandi 2022 πŸ•Š πŸ™

Congratulations to all our wonderful Primary 7 children who celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation this morning. We had two lovely ceremonies and the children were terrific with their readings, singing, prayers and responses. It was lovely to have parents and siblings come together to celebrate the occasion. We had other family members who were unable to attend view the ceremony on the Parish webcam.

Thank you to their class teacher Mr O'Neill and teaching assistant Maeve for preparing them so well for the ceremony and producing wonderful artwork that is on display in the Chapel and school hall. A special mention to all their teachers, teaching assistants and school staff for supporting them on their faith journey during their time at Derrychrin PS.

Thank you to Fr. Donnelly for celebrating the ceremony. A special thank you to John Wilson and the altar society for preparing the chapel and having it looking wonderful with all the lovely flowers and Confirmation features. Many thanks to John O'Neill as always, for taking all photographs that will be cherished for many years to come.

As a school community we are very proud of the children and we hope that they all have a lovely day with their families, cherishing many special memories.

We look forward to the children coming to school on Tuesday wearing their Confirmation outfits to take a whole class photograph. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone!