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Derrychrin Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown
Staff Development Day [30th September 2024]
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Children’s Day of Mission Prayer Service

14th Oct 2022

Here in Ireland, we have a deep-rooted tradition of supporting missionaries. Last week, the pupils and staff of Derrychrin PS began October, the month of The Rosary, focussing on The Mission Rosary - praying for others around the world as a family of families. 

Today, Mr McElroy and Miss Hughes led a Prayer Service to celebrate Children’s Day of Mission Prayer. The theme “You Shall Be My Witnesses” is used to motivate and encourage us to put our love into action through prayer and giving.


Well done to Maria (P1), Noah (P2), Andrew (P3), Aoife (P4) and Cian (P5) who led our Prayers for Africa, The Americas, Europe, Oceania and Asia. Clodagh (P6) and Caitlin (P7) showed tremendous respect when reading prayers and scriptures.


Such wonderful symbolism, prayer, singing and thoughtfulness helps all who belong to the community of Derrychrin PS, live as the disciples Jesus taught us to be.