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Derrychrin Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown

Annual Christmas Draw 2021

22nd Nov 2021

Derrychrin PS -Annual Christmas Draw 2021

In association with our ‘Friends of Derrychrin’ PTA, we will be holding our annual Christmas Draw at our Outdoor Christmas Carol Service on Tuesday 14th December 2021.

Tickets cost £5 for a book of 6 or £1 per ticket. Each family will receive 2 books of tickets which will be issued to pupils tomorrow. We would kindly ask for your support in the sale of the tickets and appreciate if all ticket stubs and money could be returned to the school by Monday 13th December 2021.

Please see ticket template below with a list of prizes. Should any family require additional tickets, please contact the school office.

Due to our annual Christmas Draw, the weekly ‘Split The Pot’ fundraiser will take place only once in the month of December. The date confirmed for December ‘Split The Pot’ is Tuesday 21st December.

Thank you for your continued support.