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Derrychrin Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown

Advent Week 1 - HOPE

29th Nov 2021

The season of Advent is a time of preparation for Christmas; a time of anticipation and hope when we remember when Jesus was born into the world and that he will come again. Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. This year it begins on Sunday, 28th November. Traditionally the primary colour of Advent is purple, which reflects the fasting and waiting that forms part of the build-up to Christmas. On the third Sunday of Advent the colour changes to pink/rose in anticipation of the end of fasting and the start of rejoicing for the birth of the Saviour. This Sunday is celebrated as Gaudete Sunday meaning ‘rejoice.’

Thank you to P7 pupil Cole who assisted Mr McElroy during morning prayer by reading the Advent prayer as the first purple candle was lit focusing on the word ‘Hope’ for the first week of Advent. 

Thank you also to Siobhan for setting up the lovely Advent display at the reception area of the school.